Lock For Life

Lock for Life is a program available through the Abington Township Police Department. It is intended to provide Police, Fire, and Emergency Medical Services Personnel access to your residence in the event of an emergency where you are unable to open the door.

    I am a Senior Citizen or a younger disabled person and live or am alone on a frequent basis.I have a medical condition that is potentially incapacitating and live alone or am alone on a frequent basis.Other Reason (Describe below) - Note: Exceptions to the above requirements will be considered on a case by case basis. If you feel you would benefit from the program, please apply.

    Doctor's Information

    Emergency Contacts

    Emergency Contact #1
    Please provide contact information for an emergency contact.

    Emergency Contact #2
    Please provide contact information for an emergency contact.

    By participating in the Lock for Life Program I authorize the Abington Township Police Department and/or the Abington Fire Department, Second Alarmers Squad to enter my residence for emergency purposes only. I assume all responsibility for providing the correct key and agree to hold harmless the above entities.
