File a Citizen Complaint

Complaint Against a Department Member

    The Abington Township Police Department is committed to protecting and serving the community with P.R.I.D.E., Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Dedication and Esprit de Corps. We truly value the opinion of the citizens we serve and have a sincere interest in taking corrective action when an employee fails to meet our standards. Citizens are encouraged to assist the department by reporting your complaints to us. You may report a complaint in writing, by phone, in person at the Abington Township Police Headquarters 1166 Old York Road, Abington PA 19001 (267-536-1100) or by using the form below. All complainants will receive a follow-up phone call from a Department member.



    City, State, Zip*



    Date and Time of the Incident*

    Location, Where the Incident Occurred*

    Name of Person(s) You Are Complaining About, If Known


    Have You Reported This To Anyone Previously?

    If so, To Whom:


    Date (mm/dd/yyyy)

    Person Who Actually Saw (Witnessed) the Event

    Name Address City, State, Zip Phone

    Summary of Occurrence*: (required)

    Best Day and Time to Contact you:

    By clicking SUBMIT I hearby attest that the information that I have provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

    I also understand that it is a violation of PCC 4904 relating to Unsworn Falsification to make any written false statement which I do not believed to be true. In the event the report is proven to be false, the information may be provided to the District Attorney for possible prosecution.
