
Reminder: Snow Emergency to go into effect at 4 p.m.

Community Alerts
Abington Township has declared a Snow Emergency which will go into effect at 4 p.m. today. Vehicles may not remain parked on Snow Emergency routes.  Vehicles not removed will be towed. Vehicles operated on snow emergency routes must be adequately equipped so as to maintain traction and keep moving. PLEASE DRIVE SAFELY AND OBEY ALL TRAFFIC…
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Snow Preparation

In anticipation of the upcoming snow storm, the Abington Township Police Department wishes to remind our residents of the pertinent Township Ordinances regarding Snow Emergency Routes and Snow Removal. When a Snow Emergency is declared, parking on a designated Snow Emergency Route is prohibited. Any car parked on a Snow Emergency Route during a declared…
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Robbery – Precision Watches & Jewelry

At approximately 7:30 PM on January 19, 2015, three males entered the Precision Watches & Jewelry Store in the Willow Grove Park Mall. They went immediately to the Rolex case and began smashing the top with small sledge hammers which they brought with them and then left behind. They reached into the case and stole…
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Traffic Information

TRAFFIC INFORMATION In the next several weeks the intersection of Tyson Ave. and Bradfield Rd. will become a four-way stop. Motorists should be aware of the changing traffic pattern. There will be a thirty day warning/advisory period before citations will be issued for the new stop signs. The stop signs will be added to north and southbound Bradfield…
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